Cost Tracking Methods

When the Track Cost option is marked for an item, IntelliTrack automatically calculates or updates the item unit cost for the item unit of measure during an item receipt, item return, and item receive based upon the cost tracking method that the division uses:

Receipt, Return, and Receive Transactions

Receipt, return, and receiving transactions require the unit cost when an item tracks cost. The unit cost entered is used to calculate / update the item unit cost.

Note: On a Receipt order, Return order, or a Check In order\ Return, when adding the same location-track cost item number-unit of measure to the order more than once, a single line item is created. In this case, the first unit cost value entered for the item will be used for the unit cost value for this line item if varying unit cost values are entered.

Receipt Page Showing Unit Cost Required Dialog

Return Page Showing Unit Cost Required Dialog


Item Tab at the Check In Order Page Showing Unit Cost Required Dialog

Receiving Order Page Showing Unit Cost Required Dialog

Other Transactions

Certain transactions effect item quantity, but do not effect the item unit cost. In this case, you have the option to adjust the unit cost manually for this item (see "Editing Item Unit of Measure and Unit Cost"), if it has changed as a result of one of these transactions.

Important: When your system tracks the cost for an item, be aware that if the item is added to inventory or the item quantity is adjusted in inventory, the unit cost will not be updated for this item. In this case, you have the option to adjust the unit cost manually for this item, if it has changed as a result of one of these transactions.

Warning: Be aware that when you manually adjust the unit cost for an item, it will affect the unit cost calculation / update going forward.

Inventory Transactions

The item unit cost remains unchanged when the item quantity in inventory is changed during one of these transactions:


Deactivate Item Transaction

When a Track Cost item that has inventory and a unit cost value is deactivated, the item inventory is adjusted to zero. The unit cost remains unchanged.

Issue Transaction

The Issue transaction does not effect the item unit cost for a Track Cost item.

Pick Transaction

The Pick transaction does not effect the item unit cost for a Track Cost item.